Archives for 2016

Verizon Strike Attracts SoCal Union Support

Members of several unions, including the NWU, stood in front of a Verizon store in Burbank, CA, on May 5 to support the nearly 40,000 striking Verizon workers from Massachusetts to New York to Virginia. Most of the strikers are represented by the Communications Workers of America (CWA). Those who came to show their support […]

Connell on Rise of Conservatism in 1950s

Tula A. Connell discussed her new work— a historical account of right-wing opposition to the postwar New Deal—during a book discussion at Busboys & Poets in Takoma Park, MD, on Thursday, May 5. Since completing her doctorate, she refined her dissertation, which was published by the University of Illinois Press in April. “Conservative Counterrevolution: Challenging […]

SCOTUS Upholds Google Scanning for-Profit

In a very bad decision for authors,  the US Supreme Court decided not to hear the Authors Guild (AG) appeal of the Google Book Scanning Project, terminating on April 15 a decade-long case that has struck at the heart of the publishing industry. This decision comes after two separate appeals courts ruled that Google did […]

DC Chapter Retreat gets Writers on the Same Page

Wordsmiths in and around Washington, DC came together April 9 to discuss new ways to connect and organize around the issues that matter to writers: copyright, freelance pay rates, and fair contracts.Twenty-four people attended the conference, hosted by the National Writers Union, DC Chapter, and came from DC, Virginia, Maryland, and even New York to […]

Third Annual DC LaborFest Set for May

With nearly 60 labor arts events planned for the third annual DC LaborFest in May, now’s the time to mark your calendar and spread the word! The just-released LaborFest “Save the Date” card makes that easy. It includes a full color-coded calendar with a schedule of all the labor films, concerts, history, art, and book […]


The Grievance and Contract Division’s semi-annual report for the second half of 2015 has just been posted here. We hope you’ll take the time to peruse it. The GCD is made up of about twenty volunteers at any given time. A lot of people think that all we do is collect money for writers who […]

A Day At Literary Women’s Festival of Authors

In early March, my friend, Barbara Shoag, invited me to the 34-year-old Literary Women: 2016 Long Beach Festival of Authors, which featured a delightful assembly of celebrated female writers. The most exciting aspect of the experience for me was learning about the authors’ varied processes. One writer who stood out was Karen Abbott, who’s historical […]

Boston Annual Book Party

The  NWU Boston Chapter annual book party featured pizza, great conversation, and a celebration of the 17 members whose books were published in 2015. Six of the authors read enticing tidbits from their work to enthusiastic applause. Boston Poet Laureate Danielle Legros Georges delivered a stirring keynote on the importance of poetry in American history. She […]

“Standing By for Trump”

After the March 15 primaries, the three major cable news stations, Fox, CNN and MSNBC, covered every candidate’s closing remarks except Bernie Sanders. Instead, they spent about 30 minutes babbling about the night’s results while showing an empty stage and a screen banner that read, “Standing By For Trump.” By now, everybody knows that Donald […]

Tax Tips for Writers

NWU member and tax accountant Therese Francis spoke at a recent NorCal event. These are points she covered in her talk on taxes for writers: Think like a business, look like a business, be seen as a business and, most of all, take advantage of tax laws for businesses. The IRS recognizes two types of […]