Issues We Care About

News on Issues We Care About

NWU Joins Coalition Urging Officials to Respect Role of Press in LA Fires

NWU’s Executive Committee voted Friday to join 20 other press rights and civil liberties organizations in signing an open letter to California law enforcement officials, calling on them to honor the state law that permits press to enter closed areas impacted by the LA fires.  “We understand and empathize with the difficult task firefighters and first […]

NWU Report Details Retaliation Against Western Media Workers Speaking Out on Gaza War

As the world recognized Press Freedom Day on May 3, Palestinian journalists continued to be incarcerated, injured, and killed in record numbers by the Israeli military. Western media workers, meanwhile, face retaliation and obstruction for seeking to elevate Palestinian voices or simply expressing concern about the media’s lopsided coverage of the Israel-Gaza war. Some are even being pepper-sprayed, detained, […]