The Freelance Solidarity Project Announces Special Election Candidates For Organizing Committee

The Freelance Solidarity Project is hosting a special election this month to fill two vacancies on our Organizing Committee. One person will help Emma Whitford with Communications, and the other will work on Events with Michael Baginski. Co-chairs are responsible for communication between chairs and members, guiding discussions in general meetings, and managing important areas […]

The Freelance Solidarity Project Announces Candidates For Organizing Committee

The Freelance Solidarity Project will be electing their first organizing committee this month. All members of FSP can vote for two co-chairs in each role. They’ll be responsible for communication between chairs and members, guiding conversations and facilitating open discussions, while also managing key areas of the project, such as strategy, research, and events, among […]

Freelance Solidarity Project Organizes with NWU

In the spring of 2018, a group of volunteers began discussing how freelancers could benefit from the gains of collective bargaining. As thousands of workers have unionized with the Writers Guild of America, East and the NewsGuild-CWA, the question of how we could stand in solidarity with staff workers while advocating for our own rights […]