Warm Greetings from the Kenya Correspondents Association (KCA)

On behalf of KCA and its entire membership, I wish to extend the warmest greetings and solidarity message to you and your team as you hold your assembly this Friday August 7, 2015. We know that you and your colleagues have put in a lot of effort and resources to make this assembly happen and that the delegates attending truly believe in the course of your organization and would like to make their valuable contribution.
KCA joins other journalists and media organizations across the world in congratulating you and your members for all the efforts you are making in the service of media workers in your country. We share in the struggles and appreciate the steps that you and others make daily to try to improve the situation, as we also do in our country.
We send you these greetings and messages of solidarity knowing that it is the strong bonds and partnerships that we build across the globe that matter and inspire in the face of the many challenges that we face.
As you hold your assembly, please know and convey our message to all the delegates that we as the journalists in Kenya, and indeed Africa, feel bound together with you and hope to work together in the years to come to build a stronger family that can truly bring a change to the world through our work.
Yours in solidarity,
William O. Oloo Chairman,
Kenya Correspondents Association
