NWU Attends the Writers Digest Conference

Ten NWU New York Members were amongst thousands of writers from around the country who attended the 25th Annual Writers Digest conference August 18-20 at the New York City Hilton Midtown. NWU President Larry Goldbetter helped manage the NWU vendor table as did Lee Christine Brownlee, poet; Calvin Ramsey, playwright; Yusef Salaam, essayist; authors Greg Morris, Izzy Young and Tim Sheard and others. Our table featured pamphlets, buttons and T-shirts. We came away with a bounty of new contacts from about 100 writers, with plans to engage them in follow-up conversations and by keeping them apprised of NWU events. Between serving stints at the booth, we got to attend some of the many workshops and panels with lively discussions about finding agents, publishers, building one’s brand, and hooking a reader with a great tag line. We also talked about building strong characters, plotting tricks, media consultancy and changing markets.
