A Salute to Barbara Beckwith

by Charles Coe
After many years as Co-Chair of the Boston Chapter Steering Committee, Barbara Beckwith has decided to step down from that leadership position. Barbara joined the National Writers Union in 1984, a year after the Boston Chapter was founded. Since then the workshops, panels, and other union events she helped to organize is too long to list. And she’s been a tireless ambassador on behalf of the union. Many of you joined the NWU because she spoke to you at a reading or a conference. She’s been our historian, and an amazing source of resources, advice, and information.
It’s our good fortune that although she’s stepping down as Chapter Co-Chair, she’ll continue to serve on the Steering Committee. It’s also our good fortune that Willie Wideman-Pleasants, a prolific author and poet, will serve as Co-Chair along with Jeanne Cosmos. In 2007 Willie co-founded an authors’ support group, Authors without Borders – a consortium of regional authors in Massachusetts. She also produces and hosts her own cable show, “Willie’s Web,” on the Boston Neighborhood Network (BNN). With Willie and Jeanne at the helm, your Boston Chapter Steering Committee remains committed to advocating for working writers.
We thank Barbara Beckwith for her years of dedication and service.