(This announcement is simultaneously going out to the NWU membership and all UAW Region 9A Local Unions.)
On April 30, 2020, UAW Local 1981 National Writers Union (NWU) President Larry Goldbetter, on behalf of the NWU Executive Board and its members, asked the UAW International Executive Board to vote on their request to disaffiliate from the UAW. Per the local union’s request, the UAW International Executive Board voted, and the local’s disaffiliation is effective May 11, 2020.
This decision was not reached easily and followed much discussion, deliberation and debate. On behalf of both NWU and the Region, we have decided to work together to find a better institutional fit for NWU and its freelance writers, given the unique nature of their work, their union and the status of their members as independent contractors not covered under current labor law.
We are committed to work together to find NWU a new labor partner with the knowledge and expertise necessary to expand and enhance their rights. We are confident that NWU will land on its feet with the full support of its UAW allies and family on its side.
We both look forward to continuing to work together.
In Solidarity
Beverley Brakeman Larry Goldbetter
UAW Region 9A Director NWU, President
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