October Panel on Organizing Journalists

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

The Metro NY Labor Communications Council will host a panel discussion on recent efforts to organize journalists in labor unions and/or non-traditional advocacy groups. These campaigns pose challenges and opportunities for those on staff as well as freelancers. Join Metro NY Labor and union leaders for an informative discussion 11 a.m. – 12 noon, Tuesday, October 19. The event will be held via videoconference. A link will be sent out closer to the date.

Topics include:

  • What issues drive organizing within the workplace?
  • What learning curve do younger folks face when it comes to labor?
  • What does it means to be in a union?
  • What rights resonate most?
  • How does a one union’s drive fit within the labor movement as a whole?
  • Do unions benefit from media coverage?
  • How to be more successful organizing staff journalists and freelancers?

For more information, contact Metro NY Labor’s Timothy Sheard, chair; or Margarita Aquilr, recording secretary.
