NWU is partnering with Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts NY. This is a new member benefit that our members will have access to in navigating the difficult world of building a freelance writing career. NWU became a non-profit institutional member of VLA and the first fruit of this new relationship is that VLA will represent six members in a case against Uptown Magazine. But that should be only the beginning.
We are exchanging logos and links to each other’s websites, and we will be able to refer members to VLA. VLA will also refer freelancers to NWU. This is another member benefit we can point to, along with the Freelance Isn’t Free Act in NYC, that increases our capacity to serve members in a very difficult time. It’s another option in the fight against non-payment and can help the union grow. Amy Lehman, the Director of Legal Services at VLA, has tentatively agreed to speak at our Delegate Assembly in New York, August 10-12.