Afghan Women Need Your Help

On November 17, the Women’s Committee and International Committee of NWU held an online screening of Afghan Women: A History of Struggle. As the Taliban took control of Afghanistan last summer, more than 140 media outlets closed or were forcibly turned over to Taliban control. Many staff have fled. The director of the Afghanistan media and information center was […]

A Year of Living Dangerously

In many ways, the past year has been a test for all of us and for our union. May 25 marked the one-year anniversary of the police killing of George Floyd and the anti-racist uprising that followed. The past year also featured the US Presidential election and the fascist storming of the US Capitol. It […]

Resolution in Solidarity with SutNotimex (Notimex News Agency Workers Union)

The following resolution was passed unanimously at the NWU Executive Board meeting on January 30, 2021. The National Writers Union is a labor organization dedicated to protect and enhance the labor rights of journalists, freelancers, and other media workers. As members of the International Federation of Journalists, we are involved and support the struggles of […]

The Capitol Riot

After the Presidential election last November, we ran a piece, “The War Is Not Over.” On January 6, a racist mob, urged on by Trump & Co., attacked the US Capitol building and assaulted media workers covering the riot. Journalists outside the Capitol were threatened and surrounded, equipment destroyed and stolen. “Murder the media” was […]

NWU Attends International Conference on Social Media in Qatar

The Republican National Committee and the Trump campaign have reportedly compiled an average of 3,000 data points on every voter in America. They have spent years experimenting with ways to tweak their messages based not just on gender and geography, but on whether you own a gun or play golf.

Close the Camps!

New York, NY February 16 – NWU members joined around 500 activists in a march organized by Close the Camps to the New York Time Square headquarters of Thomson Reuters. Thomson Reuters, a media conglomerate has lucrative contracts with the government to provide immigrant-tracking data that directly empowers U. S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) […]

The Future of Journalism?

“I’ve Seen the Future, Brother. It is Murder!” – Leonard Cohen On November 29 and 30, the National Press Council of Morocco invited members of the Executive Committee of the International Federation of Journalists to participate in a series of panels on the Future of Journalism. The following comments were made by NWU President Larry […]

SoCal Chapter Chair Plays Benefit Concert

Writer, musician, activist and NWU chapter head, Ismael Parra held a concert fundraiser with the theme “The Struggle for Peace and Planet” on November 23 at an art studio in Los Angeles The concert was a fundraiser for the play Many May Not Return written by NWU member David Trujillo. The play will run January […]