Follow Ongoing Events at the UN Commission on the Status of Women

Journalists face daily threats of being attacked, imprisoned, threatened and harassed for doing their job. A survey of over 400 women journalists in 50 countries by the International Federation of Journalists showed that “almost one in two women journalists have suffered sexual harassment, psychological abuse, online trolling and others forms of gender-based violence while working.” […]

Yusef Salaam to Present Book in Harlem

From 3-4 p.m. on February 16, Sisters Uptown Bookstorein Harlem welcomes the NWU’s Yusef Salaam, the author of a new children’s book Elijah Muhammad: Builder of a Nation. The interactive event will feature Salaam reading from his new work, with children and parents sharing their ideas, as well. A retired junior high school teacher, Salaam tells […]


On Saturday, December 1, NWU President Larry Goldbetter and executive committee member A.J. Springer were recognized for their work in getting Ebony freelancers paid at Richard Prince’s 9th Annual Journal-isms Roundtable Holiday Party at the Newseum in Washington, D.C. Journal-isms covers all aspects of Black media and is a leading voice for diversity in publishing. Prince was […]

Film Chronicles Uncomfortable Labor History

In 1993, the movie Tombstone played theaters with the tagline, “Every town has a story, Tombstone has a legend.” Only a half hour drive from Tombstone, Ariz., is Bisbee, a town whose story also needed to be told. In fact, the tale had been suppressed for decades. Now, Bisbee ’17 will go a long way to address that. Directed […]

The Mansion of the Kavanaughs

Dear Ms. Ellis: I was forwarded your recent article As Kavanaugh Allegations Widen, Elite-College Alumni Recall Harassment From Decades Past Students, By Lindsay Ellis September 27, 2018 As a 1965 graduate of Radcliffe (which was in the process of becoming Harvard), I am being urged by family and husband to write something about all this. You may […]

NWU Celebrates Frederick Douglass

An Alternative 4th of July Celebration Commemorating Frederick Douglass was truly a community-building event! The event organized by Raymond Nat Turner (Co-Chair NY Chapter, NY Delegate) brought members of the music, literary and political communities together. NWU members Margaret Kimberly and Diane Ward were two of the four readers of Frederick Douglass’ historic 1852 speech, “What Is The Fourth of July To The […]

NWU to Partner with VLA NY

NWU is partnering with Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts NY. This is a new member benefit that our members will have access to in navigating the difficult world of building a freelance writing career.  NWU became a non-profit institutional member of VLA and the first fruit of this new relationship is that VLA will represent […]

NWU at Los Angeles March for Our Lives

So Cal members of the National Writers Union (NWU), along with an estimated 80,000 more, attended the youth-led March For Our Lives rally in downtown Los Angeles on March 23.  In other areas of the country and around the world, millions of supporters turned out, including more than 800,000 at the march’s ground zero in […]

Women in Media: 1 in 2 Report Violence at Work

New York, MARCH 15 – Nearly one in two women journalists have experienced sexual harassment, psychological abuse, online trolling and other forms of gender-based violence (GBV) while working—yet “up to three-quarters of media workplaces have no reporting or support mechanism,” says broadcast journalist Mindy Ran, citing results of a survey survey released this month by the International Federation of […]

RIP Sister Ursula K. Le Guin

It is with great sorrow and the deepest respect that we bid farewell to Sister Ursula K. Le Guin, a  ground-breaking author, radical, feminist and revolutionary as well as a literary giant. What’s more, she was one of us, a member of NWU.  She was the author of more than 20 novels, a dozen books […]