Washington, DC

The National Writers Union Washington, DC, Area Chapter comprises National Writers Union members in Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, and Washington, DC.

Co-Chair Colin Flanigan colindflanigan@gmail.com
Co-Chair Paul-Newell Reaves pnreaves@gmail.com

Latest Chapter News

Ebony Freelancers and NWU Get to Know Each Other

On November 1, lawyers for NWU and the Ebony Media Organization finally met in a Cook County courtroom. At issue is the $80,000 owed to the 48 freelancers who are being represented by their union. The following night, about a dozen Ebony freelancers and some NWU reps met and got to know each other at […]

Writer Alert—UPTOWN Magazine—October 18 2017

UPTOWN Magazine–a national publication with regional editions in Atlanta, Charlotte, Chicago, Detroit, New York, Philadelphia, and Washington, D.C. –has not been paying all of its freelance writers. Some writers remain unpaid since October, 2014. Together five writers, now represented by the National Writers Union, are owed $18,825 for work published by UPTOWN over the past three years. The NWU has tried repeatedly […]

Member Novel Predicted Trump-Like Presidential Nightmare

What are the chances that an espionage/thriller could have been written several years ago and published in February 2016 that would have predicted the crazy politics we’ve been experiencing? NWU member James Ellenberger did that with his two writing partners in their novel High Hand by Curtis J. James. The pseudonym is an amalgam of […]