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NYC Monthly Meetups On Writing Business

—A Spanish/English language writer learned how to self publish. —An aspiring short-story writer found the encouragement to go on.   —A journalist, who had returned from the Syrian-Jordanian border at 4 a.m. that morning, discussed interviewing military and homeland security people. These three were among the nine writers who gathered during a Let’s Talk About […]

Anti-Muslim Profiling Near Trump Tower

At the New York City Labor Day Parade on September 10, one of our members, Ekim Kilic, a young Turkish national, approached someone who appeared to him to be a Union Marshal, and asked where he could find the National Writers Union group. The person told Ekim that the UAW/NWU contingent had already passed. The […]

Hitting the Streets at the Harlem Book Fair

New Yorkers attending this year’s Harlem Book Fair, one of the largest writers’ events in the city, reflected the diversity of the NWU’s members.  On Saturday, July 16, 10 members displayed their recent works along with information about the union, including our new membership brochures,  buttons, and  “Workers of the WORD, Unite” T-shirts, some of […]