Consider a position on the 2018 NY Steering Committee or as a NY Delegate

Attention NWU Activists – Consider running for a position on the NY Steering Committee and or becoming a NY Delegate in 2018  

Next spring we’ll be electing a new Steering Committee (SC) to run the chapter for the next three years and to elect delegates to represent the chapter at the national Delegates Assembly (DA) which will likely be held in New York in the summer. More information about submitting nominations will be sent early next year. Right now, we’d like to invite any curious NWU member to reach out to the current SC and delegates to learn about the work we do.

2018-2020 Steering Committee
Only two officers are required to serve on the SC — a chair and a treasurer – though NY has often had co-chairs and it’s really helpful to have a recording secretary. There is no limit to the number of SC members, though seven members have worked well in the past. All NY Chapter members in good standing can put their names in nomination to be officers or members of the SC.
What’s involved: SC members spend about 10 hours a month on email discussions and a once-a-month meeting (usually two hours in person in the 12th floor UAW conference room or via conference call) where all matters concerning the chapter are discussed and resolutions are passed. The most important role the SC plays is planning and organizing activities that the chapter undertakes, which entails how best to spend the chapter’s income (from member dues and money raised at conferences and other events). SC members volunteer to spearhead or take responsibility for organizing various activities or specific projects.
In addition to other tasks, the chair (or co-chairs) takes responsibility to coordinate activities with the National Office, follow up on all activities between meetings, create agendas for and lead SC meetings, and submit pre-approval forms and reimbursements for all chapter expenditures.
The treasurer tracks the chapter’s finances and signs forms. The recording secretary takes meeting minutes and sends them to SC members via email.
So if you’re looking for a great way to help build the NWU and the NY Chapter, please volunteer. Like to learn more as you consider taking a SC role? Email so a SC member can chat with you or you can observe the next SC meeting(s) in person.
2018-2020 Delegates Assembly
The Delegates Assembly (DA), to be held next year is the highest elected body in the union. Its role is to identify issues, formulate campaigns, and follow through on all resolutions that are passed at the DA. Its overarching goal is to promote the union’s mission of advancing the economic, political, and social rights and needs of freelance writers in all genres.
Delegates, chapter chairs, National officers (National Executive Committee-NEC), and elected division chairs constitute the National Executive Board (NEB). Members are elected for three years. They are invited to attend monthly NEC/NEB meetings held by conference call and a once-a-year, in-person meeting at the DA or at a special NEB meeting on alternate years. On rare occasions the NEB is called upon to vote on pressing issues between in-person meetings.
Usually delegates are the most active members in and leaders of their chapters or divisions. But if you want to become more active in the union becoming a delegate automatically puts you in the center of the action, but it also requires a three-year commitment. The NEC will soon determine how many delegates from the NY Chapter can attend the DA as delegates. However, other members can attend, though they will not be able to vote and they will have to pay their own expenses. Email if you see this national role in your future.
Note that all expenses for delegates are covered by the National Office (transportation) and by the NY Chapter (room, board and miscellaneous travel expenses; must supply receipts for reimbursement).