The State of Our Union

State of the Union: NWU is doing well, with many weaknesses and limited capacity. As of this writing we have just over 1,000 current members, which fluctuates up to 1200. We are holding our own, numbers wise, but we are growing stronger internally, which is the key, and the prerequisite for growing. Today, the union […]

Imparcialidad Periodística en el Conflicto Palestino-Israelí

Desde los injustificables ataques de Hamás contra civiles israelíes, el ejército israelí ha matado a más de mil cuatrocientas personas en Gaza, donde además ha cortado los alimentos, el agua y la electricidad a más de dos millones de personas. En el momento de escribir este artículo, se está efectuando una limpieza étnica masiva. Israel […]

Freelancers Back First Union in Gaming History 

In mid-October, workers at Paizo Inc. announced their intention to form a union. After resisting for little more than a week, the Redmond, Washington-based company relented. The union at Paizo is being touted as the first in the gaming industry.  Paizo publishes the very popular fantasy game Pathfinder, along with role-playing game (RPG) magazines and […]

Documentary on the 1976 Downing of a Cuban Plane

In October 1976, a Cuban plane took off from Barbados to Jamaica. In a blip, Flight 455 disappeared from radar screens. Various aviation agencies, including the Cuban government, determined that two bombs hidden on the plane caused it to explode midair, the wreckage  plummeting into the Caribbean Sea.  All 73 people aboard were killed in […]

Announcing NWU National, Chapter and Delegate Elections  

It’s time for NWU elections. Later this month you will receive a call for nominations that will include a description of each office and instructions on how to self-nominate for the position of your choice.  All contested elections will be conducted electronically under the direction and supervision of E-Ballot. They will send out the ballots […]

As Constables, NWU Members Try to Keep People in their AZ Homes

Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, Arizona had issues with evictions. In Pima County, where Tucson is located, 15,000 families were threatened with eviction between 2015 and 2018, according to the Arizona Daily Star. That per capita rate for eviction puts Pima in the top 25 counties in the nation for displacing people from their homes, according […]


Unions Continue Strike Against ASARCO As their strike at several Arizona and Texas copper mining company’s sites drags on, 1,800 workers at ASARCO have adopted the slogan “One day longer, one day stronger,” and waking the picket line since October 13, they’ve had plenty of time to become fortified. They held a rally and press […]

Conference Seeks to Bolster Global Worker Rights

The International Labor Organization (ILO) renewed a Centenary Declaration for the Future of Work on June 21 in Geneva, Switzerland. The event coincided with the 100th anniversary of the Conference, where the organization adopted a new international Convention against violence and harassment at work, while vowing to hold governments accountable for violations. Sharan Burrow, general […]

Reception for the NWUSO Legal Action Fund

In 2018, the National Writers Union collected more than $200,000 for almost 150 unpaid freelancers by waging Group Non-Payment Grievances. Most of these were settled directly and with the assistance of the UAW Legal Department , some had to go to court. All of the unpaid freelancers were paid 100% of what they were owed. […]

Arizona Labor Packs a Punch

In the run up to the 2018 election, an office in the back of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Hall in Tucson served as cramped headquarters for a new kind of labor campaign. A hand-made poster on the wall compare the two most recent Arizona District 2 Congressional members’ lifetime legislative scores showed why […]