Writing to the Bone: The Boston Book Party

We gathered in person – first time since 2020! – for our Book Party celebration of members with recently published books. At least 50 writers, book-lovers, fans and friends enjoyed the three-hour party at the Dance Complex in Cambridge. Chapter Chair Willie Wideman-Pleasants fulfilled the promise she made at last year’s virtual party – “next […]

The State of Our Union

State of the Union: NWU is doing well, with many weaknesses and limited capacity. As of this writing we have just over 1,000 current members, which fluctuates up to 1200. We are holding our own, numbers wise, but we are growing stronger internally, which is the key, and the prerequisite for growing. Today, the union […]

Imparcialidad Periodística en el Conflicto Palestino-Israelí

Desde los injustificables ataques de Hamás contra civiles israelíes, el ejército israelí ha matado a más de mil cuatrocientas personas en Gaza, donde además ha cortado los alimentos, el agua y la electricidad a más de dos millones de personas. En el momento de escribir este artículo, se está efectuando una limpieza étnica masiva. Israel […]

NWU Boston Chapter at the Boston Book Festival

On Saturday, October 29, the Boston Chapter of NWU had a booth at the Boston Book Festival in Copley Square. The festival has taken place since 2008. The attendance is typically between 25,000 to 30,000 people. It was a beautiful fall day in Boston, and the city was filled with book lovers of all ages, […]

Boston – New England Chapter Report to the 2021 Delegate Assembly

The Chapter offers Writers’ Meet-ups monthly and since covid – continues on a Zoom platform.  It is a popular forum for writers to connect, talk about projects and share events around Greater Boston. A Steering Committee member welcomes and moderates these meetings; Barbara Beckwith, welcomed members prior to Covid for many years. Most recently, an […]

Stop the Rejection. Self Publish!

The Boston Chapter’s recent workshop, Stop the Rejection – Self Publish, was a great success, drawing both members and non-members. Independent publishing allows you to be in full control of your writing and ensures that your book’s concept, content and cover are not altered by commercial interests. The pilot project allowed participants from around the […]

Announcing NWU National, Chapter and Delegate Elections  

It’s time for NWU elections. Later this month you will receive a call for nominations that will include a description of each office and instructions on how to self-nominate for the position of your choice.  All contested elections will be conducted electronically under the direction and supervision of E-Ballot. They will send out the ballots […]


Every day, I get glimpses of the erasure of Americans of color. My May 8 New York Times arts section (“For a Great Escape, Try a 1940s Musical”) describes the era when white movie stars like Fred Astaire and Shirley Temple danced in blackface to tap and jazz, trained by African American dancers, allowed to appear in […]


Every day, I get glimpses of the erasure of Americans of color. My May 8 New York Times arts section (“For a Great Escape, Try a 1940s Musical”) describes the era when White movie stars like Fred Astaire and Shirley Temple danced in blackface to tap and jazz, trained by African-American dancers, who were allowed to appear […]

Conference Seeks to Bolster Global Worker Rights

The International Labor Organization (ILO) renewed a Centenary Declaration for the Future of Work on June 21 in Geneva, Switzerland. The event coincided with the 100th anniversary of the Conference, where the organization adopted a new international Convention against violence and harassment at work, while vowing to hold governments accountable for violations. Sharan Burrow, general […]