Have you freelanced for L’Officiel? Were you, like dozens of other freelancers, not paid what you are owed? You may be eligible for double damages! Last July, following advocacy by FSP-NWU and our coalition partners, the City of New York announced that they settled a lawsuit brought against L’Officiel USA, the American subsidiary of a […]
NWU Releases Platform and Principles for Policy on Generative AI
After many months spent organizing, strategizing, and working collectively towards a draft both ambitious in scope and reflective of our members’ wide-ranging experiences and perspectives, the NWU Generative AI Working Group has at last ratified our Platform and Principles for Policy on Generative AI. (The final vote was 95.8% in favor, 4.2% opposed. No abstentions.) […]
NWU Testifies at Hearing on Generative AI
The NWU was invited to testify at the first of a series of listening sessions on the implications of generative artificial intelligence on April 19, 2023. This wass the first step in a lengthy public consultation process by the U.S. Copyright Office, which is hosting these events. The April 19 session focused on “literary works,” […]
Lobby Day in Albany
Four NWU-FSP members joined the Fund Excluded Workers Coalition on a lobby day trip to Albany in late January. As part of the coalition, we are advocating for New York to enact the Unemployment Bridge Program, a permanent $500 million fund that will provide the equivalent of unemployment insurance to workers excluded from traditional unemployment, […]
Freelance Isn’t Free Slowly Moves Forward
After the New York state legislature passed Freelance Isn’t Free in June, elected officials nationwide—and NWU’s legislative work—took a summer break. Now, heading into fall and 2023, we have several legislative campaigns going across the country, and plenty of opportunities to get involved. In New York, we’re still waiting for Governor Kathy Hochul to sign […]