Authors Coalition Survey NWU is a member organization of the Authors Coalition of America (ACA). ACA distributes non-author specific royalties collected by various reprographic rights organizations around the world, to member organizations in the US. It also distributes author specific royalties whenever possible. These distributions are used by each member organization to advance the strengthening of copyright protections and educational work. It makes it possible to attend various conferences and helped pay for the NWU e-book webinar. It does not go to pay office rent, salaries, stipends or other organizational infrastructure. The amount of the distributions are determined by the number of surveys we submit. Please take and submit this survey. It is very important to our union. Please check the categories in which you qualify as a published author. (Please do not check more than one genre for one piece of work, i.e., the same book cannot qualify you as both a nonfiction author and a textbook author.) For purposes of this survey, a “published” work means that (1) The work is reasonably capable of being photocopied abroad and is not self-published, or (2) If the work is self-published, that there have been no fewer than 1,000 copies sold, the work is commercially distributed outside the U.S., it is reasonably capable of being photocopied abroad. NWU thanks you for taking the Authors Coalition survey. First Name * Last Name * Email * Electronic Paper PrintNonfiction Book author1011(If you checked this box, you must also check one or more of the sub-types below. Do not check more than one box for one piece of work, i.e., the same book cannot qualify you as both a Textbook and Other Nonfiction author; however, you may check two or more boxes for two or more different pieces of work.) Electronic Paper PrintTextbook Author1213Academic Author (scholarly work primarily for academicians)1415Other nonfiction book author1617 Electronic Paper PrintNonfiction book or journal translator2021Art, music, theatre, film or literature critic3031Journalist, including freelancers (nonfiction writing for a periodical, such as a newspaper, magazine, or newsletter)4041Newspaper Editor5051Technical and Professional Press Editor6061Author or translator of fiction, poetry and/or drama (including plays and musicals)7071Music author8081Designer and illustrator9091Visual artists100101Arts and Crafts Designers110111Photographers, fine arts and Professional120121 Confirm the categories in how you have been published * I hereby affirm that I am a published author in the categories I have checked. I hereby affirm that I am an unpublished author. Print Name as Signature * Date of Signature * Save Cancel