Warning: Don’t enter JM Northern Media’s book festivals!

There are many ways to promote your writing. Entering book contests is one, especially if the entry fee seems a relatively modest $50. Winning the grand prize is even sweeter, as one of our members did last year. To claim the top prize in the 2017 Great Northwest Book Festival (GNBF), all she had to […]

Grievance Officers and Contract Advisors Needed

The NWU’s Grievance and Contract Committee is in search of several members who are interested in volunteering their time to be trained and to serve as Grievance Officers (GOs) and Contract Advisors (CAs).  Why Volunteer? Grievance Officers assist fellow NWU members in fighting to resolve disputes with publishers that may arise from lack of pay, […]

Grievance and Contract Report to 2018 DA

A fond farewell to Amy Rose We are sad to report that Amy Rose, our National Grievance Officer since 2005, has resigned. We will miss her dedication, competence, leadership, and wisdom; and we wish her the best in future ventures. Amy was not only an effective grievance officer herself, but also an outstanding mentor to […]

Book Division Report to the 2018 DA

Following are some highlights of actions taken by the NWU Book Division since the 2015 NWU Delegate Assembly. These include work on issues specific to writers of books, including to ebooks. These also include policy advocacy related to legislation, regulations, and litigation on copyright and other issues that affect writers of work in other formats as well as […]