L’Officiel to Pay $275,000 to 41 Freelance Workers!

For Immediate Release Contact: Larry Goldbetter: lgoldbetter@nwu.org 212-254-0275 French Fashion Media Company L’Officiel Settles With New York City July 11th, 2023 NEW YORK—The City of New York City announced today that they have settled a lawsuit against L ’Officiel USA, the American subsidiary of the French-owned global media company that operates several print and digital […]

NYS Governor Hochul Vetos Freelance Isn’t Free

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  Press Release for: December 23, 2022 Contact: Meredith Tannor, 646-226-0946, mtannor@freelancersunion.org (NWU) Eric Thurm: (914) 275-1122 eric.d.thurm@gmail.com Rafael Espinal, Executive Director of the Freelancers Union and Larry Goldbetter, President of the National Writers Union Respond to Unfortunate News of Governor Kathy Hochul Vetoing the NYS Freelance Isn’t Free Law, Which Would Have […]

We’re Freelancers, but We’re Striking in Solidarity with New York Times Employees

This story first appeared in The Nation on December 8, 2022 The resurgence of American labor organizing has relied on solidarity beyond the bargaining unit—and that’s what we’re offering. By Bryce Covert, Jillian Steinhauer and Robin Kaiser-Schatzlein Today, more than 1,100 unionized newsroom employees at The New York Times will walk out, refusing to work for an entire day. For the past […]

Joint Statement in Response to Fight for the Future’s Letter Falsely Claiming that the Lawsuit Against Internet Archive’s Open Library Harms Public Libraries

The following organizations are deeply troubled by Fight for the Future’s letter “In Solidarity with Libraries” that a number of authors have signed. While there are principles stated in the letter with which we agree, it is highly misleading both regarding the lawsuits that publishers have filed against the Internet Archive’s Open Library and in […]

We stand in solidarity with Kurdish journalists in the face of recent attacks from Erdogan regime

The National Writers Union condemns the recent arrests of 16 journalists by Turkish authorities. We are closely watching the situation as the Erdoğan government is attacking journalists, academics, political organizers and all the social opposition to keep its power. We are particularly aware that the Kurdish people face constant oppression, mass arrest, closure of their […]

NWU Statement on Abortion Rights

The Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, which has guaranteed the constitutional right to abortion for the past 50 years, is a brazen attack on the right to bodily autonomy. Making one’s own decisions about medical care is a fundamental human right, and eliminating access to abortion will have a devastating impact on […]