FSP and WGAE Host Joint Event

Recently the Freelance Solidarity Project (FSP) hosted an organizer training facilitated by FSP member and former WGAE staff organizer Megan McRobert. We went through some basics of organizing—from labor history to how to have effective one-on-ones and the elements of a strong union campaign. To practice some of these new skills, we had breakout rooms […]

Meet the FSP 2022 Organizing Committee

Starting in December 2021, the Freelance Solidarity Project (the Digital Media Division of NWU) has a new organizing committee. Congratulations to the eight members who were elected by the membership! The committee is listed below and will hold their positions for a one-year term. They will work on making FSP an even stronger, more inclusive, […]


After 2.5 years (!!) of bargaining, unionized workers at The New Yorker still do not have a fair contract — and they’re on the verge of a strike, if that’s what it will take to get what they deserve. You can learn more about their demands and what their picket line will look like in […]

Defector Announces Principles for Freelancers

The Freelance Solidarity Project is excited to present a unilateral announcement with Defector’s editorial collective, which outlines a set of shared principles for freelance digital media workers. The complete document can be reviewed on Defector’s website. The document makes transparent the standards that will create an equitable, professional relationship between all kinds of digital media […]

The Intercept Announces Principles for Freelancers

Over the past year, members of The Freelance Solidarity Project (NWU) and The Intercept have been collaborating to create a set of shared principles for freelance digital media workers.  Today, we are proud to present our unilateral announcement of those principles. The complete document can be reviewed on The Intercept’s website. They are designed to […]

The Freelance Solidarity Project Calls for COVID-19 Graduated Payment Schedules

In light of the COVID-19 pandemic’s effect on our livelihoods, the Freelance Solidarity Project is calling on all print and digital publications to adopt a graduated payment schedule and rapid reimbursement policy for freelance work in progress since January 1, 2020. If a submission was assigned, filed, edited, or otherwise considered “in progress” this calendar […]