It’s time for NWU elections. Later this month you will receive a call for nominations that will include a description of each office and instructions on how to self-nominate for the position of your choice.
All contested elections will be conducted electronically under the direction and supervision of E-Ballot. They will send out the ballots with the candidates’ ballot statements, collect and count the ballots and announce the winners.
The national officer elections will include President, Financial Secretary/Treasurer, Recording Secretary, 1st VP, 2nd VP, Guide, Sargent-at-Arms and three (3) Trustees. Each chapter will elect a Chair, Financial Secretary and Steering Committee members. The chapters will also elect Delegates. We will also be electing two At-Large members to the National Executive Board, and At-Large delegates.
Candidates for national office must be members-in-good-standing for the past 12 months. Candidates for Chapter and Delegate must be members-in-good-standing.
Delegate Elections
The 10 national officers (the National Executive Committee) are Delegates.
Chapter, Division and Committee Chairs have to run for Delegate.
According to our bylaws, the delegate breakdown is as follows:
AZ: 30 members – 3 delegates
At-Large: 255 members – 6 delegates
Boston: 130 members – 4 delegates
CHI: 41 members – 3 delegates
NorCal: 64 members – 3 delegates
NY: 354 members – 7 delegates
OR: 26 members – 3 delegates
Phila: 30 members – 3 delegates
Pitt: 11 members – 3 delegates
PNW: 24 members – 3 delegates
SEM: 50 members – 3 delegates
SoCal: 68 members – 3 delegates
TC: 26 members – 3 delegates
WDC: 108 members – 4 delegates
Total: 1,214 members – 48 delegates
Delegate elections must be complete at least 8 weeks prior to the DA.
We also need an Election Committee (EC) to oversee the elections. In order to serve on the EC, you cannot be a candidate for any office. If you are interested in serving on the Election Committee, please contact us at