After the Lockdown, It Was Great to Meet in Person

NWU at the Brooklyn Book Festival.

        The NY Chapter of NWU met virtually on October 1, to discuss the upcoming Delegates Assembly and what moves the union should make now. We took the time to discuss a number of issues, including keeping members better informed about the many things the union is doing. It was also suggested that we hold more educational events to keep members informed about developments in the publishing industry in these times of uncertainty. 

        On October 3, members volunteered at the NWU booth at the Brooklyn Book Festival, to promote the union and their own works. The Festival took place from 10 am to 5 pm in Borough Hall Plaza. This was our first in-person activity after so many months of the pandemic, and it was electrifying. Many attendees expressed interest in NWU after they heard that we are a labor union for unprotected freelance writers. More than 80 people signed up to stay in touch and to learn about our public events. They were impressed by how the union is taking care of group non-payment grievances, fighting for the PRO ACT, providing free contract reviews, and standing for writers and journalists around the world. Both events demonstrate that people are interested in building the union. 

