The Votes Are In!

The time has come to announce the results of our 2024 national elections! Out of 113 votes, the winning candidates for the term starting July 1 are as follows:

President: Larry Goldbetter
Treasurer: Mauricio Niebla
Recording Secretary: Jonathan Rosenblum
1st Vice President: Abigail Higgins
2nd Vice President: Olivia Schwob
National Officers-at-Large: Sandra Campbell, Olivia Aylmer, Eric Thurm
Trustee: Alexis Gunderson, Rene Joy, Ted Prezelski

At-Large Delegate (6 seats): Khawla Nakua*, jess pinkham, Mike McCallister
Boston Delegate (4 seats): Barbara Mende, Willie Wideman-Pleasants, John G. McDaid, Roger Leisner
Chicago Delegate (3 seats): Karen Ford, Kerry Cardoza, Paul Bowman
DC Delegate (4 seats): Ann Hoffman, Bill Fletcher Jr, Becky Little
Michigan Delegate (3 seats): Scott Urbanowski, Michelle Deatrick, Liz Ratzloff*
New York Delegate (6 seats): Rob Kaiser-Schatzlein, Chris Randle, Demetria Wambia, Jillian Steinhauer, Betty Pierre, Elizabeth Richter (Alternate: Elissa Matthews)
Northern California Delegate (3 seats): Edward Hasbrouck, Carla West*, Rose Eveleth
Oregon Delegate (3 seats): 
James Smith
Philadelphia Delegate (3 seats): 
Irving Jones
Pittsburgh Delegate (3 seats):
 No candidates
Pacific Northwest Delegate (3 seats): 
Mara Grunbaum, Louis McGill
Southern California Delegate (3 seats): 
pamela k. johnson, Ismael Parra, Dan McCrory
Tucson Delegate (3 seats): 
Keith Bagwell, Mari Ann Herreras*

Congratulations to all our candidates! We look forward to your time in leadership.

You will notice that not all delegate seats have been filled. While we would normally start immediately planning a special election to fill those vacancies, we received a number of write-in candidates for open delegate positions, and we are in the process of determining how to verify them. Please bear with us and look out for another email announcing our determination soon. At that time we will also share a more detailed report of the election results and any next steps (including an invitation to provide feedback on this election cycle).

*As noted in a prior email, these delegates don’t meet the one-year membership threshold required for candidacy, but due to open vacancies and the candidates’ commitment to run, the Election Committee made the recommendation that they be seated by the incoming delegates.

As always, if you have any questions, reach out to

In solidarity,
The Election Committee
David Hill
Ryan Kelly
Johnathan McClure
Elena Novak
Josh Tucker
