The nomination period for the 2024 NWU elections is now closed! As we get ready to vote in our union’s new leadership, please be mindful of the following logistical details.
All candidates and their statements can be found in this document. It will be accessible to members through the voting period, so feel free to bookmark it on your computer. We appreciate all candidates who took the time to share why they’re running for their respective positions, and we encourage all members to spend time reading those statements leading up to the election. The positions of National Officer-at-Large and Southern California delegate are the only positions with enough nominees to be contested, but even uncontested seats will be put to a vote. (Note: Enabling the document outline in the top left corner will allow you to more quickly jump to a candidate or position.)
We have 34 delegate candidates out of 47 seats. Please note:
- The following delegates have been notified that they don’t meet the one-year membership threshold to be delegates, but the Election Committee is recommending they be seated by the elected delegates at the Delegate Assembly: Mari Ann Herreras, Khawla Nakua, Liz Ratzloff, and Carla West.
- All delegate vacancies will need to be filled through a Special Election which the Election Committee will set no more than six months out from the start of voting. Chapters with vacancies will be responsible for organizing candidates to run prior to that election.
Voting will open on May 31, 2024 and close on June 15, 2024. These dates are reflected on the union’s shared calendar. All members in good standing at the time of voting will be eligible to vote. Stay tuned for further details on logistics.
All candidates must be treated equally throughout this election period. For example, if any candidate is allowed to give a campaign speech at a union meeting or publish an article on the blog, all candidates for that position must be advised of and given the same opportunity.
Should a ‘meet the candidates’ session for National Officer candidates be organized by the Election Committee, it will be announced in a separate email. Chapters are encouraged to hold their own sessions for their respective delegate candidates – for help organizing this, or with any other questions, reach out to us at
The NWU Election Committee
David Hill
Ryan Kelly
Johnathan McClure
Elena Novak
Josh Tucker